Serbia News 09:34 04.07.2022 FEELING THE ULTIMATE INJUSTICE! Russia or Ukraine? Savo Milošević chose his side!
Serbia News 10:17 25.06.2022 IT WILL BE A HOT SUMMER FOR THE RUSSIANS, FOR SOME IT WILL BE THE LAST! The Americans sent a powerful weapon to Kiev, Putin also spoke out! (VIDEO)
Serbia News 09:38 21.06.2022 What is happening with Vladimir Putin!? He can BARELY keep his balance, he is twitching... New video raises the issue of the Russian president's health again! (VIDEO)
Serbia News 09:39 20.06.2022 Lavrov INTERRUPTS BBC journalist straight away, in mid-sentence: I don't care! (VIDEO)
Serbia News 10:31 17.06.2022 THE CLOCK IS TICKING! Medvedev's brutal statement: THEY WILL DRINK SOME VODKA AND LEAVE
Serbia News 08:40 08.06.2022 RUSSIANS THREATEN TO USE SARMAT BECAUSE OF LAVROV! Rogozin is furious, Bulgarians, Romanians and Montenegrins under attack: You betrayed our history!
Serbia News 12:42 04.05.2022 HUNGARY TAKING A PART OF UKRAINE?! A shocking claim from Kyiv: Orban knew everything!
Serbia News 09:57 26.04.2022 PUTIN AND ZELENSKYY FACE TO FACE! The Russian president has revealed what the whole world expects!
Serbia News 14:36 16.04.2022 PESKOV REVEALED, KREMLIN REJECTED KYIV'S OFFER: Putin's shock decision, was this expected?!
Serbia News 12:42 11.04.2022 WAR HAS TAKEN A TOLL ON HIM! Here is what Zelenskyy looked like at the beginning of the WAR and how he looks NOW! (PHOTO)
Serbia News 15:23 08.04.2022 RUSSIAN TANK KILLERS ARRIVE IN UKRAINE! Pentagon announces: We are sending FLYING SHOTGUNS! (VIDEO)
Serbia News 10:12 30.03.2022 SERBIA IS NOBODY'S MAID, NEITHER RUSSIA'S NOR AMERICA'S! President Vučić's crucial message: We have done what is in the interest of our country!
Serbia News 11:37 29.03.2022 "I KNOW PUTIN AND I KNOW WHAT'S IN HIS HEAD"! Vučić spoke about the war in Ukraine and the Russian President: First the WEST surprised Putin, and then he surprised them!
Serbia News 13:07 24.03.2022 BEIJING PUT ITS CARDS ON THE TABLE! Shocking information arrived from China: WE WILL NOT CHANGE!
Serbia News 12:24 23.03.2022 I AM READY FOR NEGOTIATIONS! Zelenskyy: If they fail, it will mean ONLY ONE (PHOTO)
Serbia News 10:14 23.03.2022 BRUTAL campaign against "Air Serbia"! Photos of HATE are spreading on the Internet because of flights to MOSCOW! (PHOTO)
Serbia News 16:19 22.03.2022 BIDEN AVOIDS UKRAINE! The upcoming visit of the American president to EUROPE does not include this country!
Serbia News 12:41 22.03.2022 ZELENSKYY ISSUES THE MOST SERIOUS WARNING TO ALL OF RUSSIA: He went live in the middle of the night and said one important thing
Serbia News 12:24 20.03.2022 A PAINFUL DECISION WAS MASE - IT'S OVER! Russia in TEARS, Putin ON THE MOVE!
Hronika 21:26 DVE TEŠKE SAOBRAĆAJKE NA AUTOPUTU MILOŠ VELIKI! Kretanje usporeno, stvaraju se zastoji (VIDEO)
Estrada 21:21 GORI BINA NA KONCERTU MARIJE ŠERIFOVIĆ! Publika vrišti u panici, u sali NASTAO HAOS! (GALERIJA)
Politika 21:20 VELIKA PODRŠKA DALIBORU TRIFUNOVIĆU! Studenti koji žele da uče poručili: "NEĆETE NAS ZAUSTAVITI"
Hronika 21:17 SUTRA SUĐENJE KLANU BELIVUKA I ŠARIĆA: Okrivljeni za 4 ubistva u Grčkoj, optužnica na skoro 1000 strana
Fudbal niže lige 21:15 MINIMALAC DOVOLJAN ZA TRIJUMF: Kabel je uspeo da uzme meru Železničaru iz Inđije!