BIDEN AVOIDS UKRAINE! The upcoming visit of the American president to EUROPE does not include this country!

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The visit of the American leader Joe Biden to Ukraine as part of his trip around Europe is not planned, Linda Thomas-Greenfield said.

BIDEN AVOIDS UKRAINE! The upcoming visit of the American president to EUROPE does not include this country!

Foto: Tanjug/AP

- As far as I know, that is not being considered. US President Joe Biden is travelling to Europe and will meet with our partners and allies. I have not seen any talks about the president's trip to Ukraine - the Permanent U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations emphasised. 

Thomas-Greenfield emphasised that the US authorities discourage Americans from travelling to Ukraine.

Earlier, White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre commented on the possibility of US leader Joe Biden's visit to Ukraine.

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